Friday, October 12, 2012

Tiff's Raw Birthday!

My daughter Tiffany, is turning 11 today! Tiff is vegetarian and about 50% raw vegan. She asked me if I would make her a raw birthday cake, and specifically asked to Raw Vanilla-Chocolate Cheesecake. I created this recipe for her cake and I wanted to share it with you all! Tiff LOVES Justin Beiber and her party is a JB theme.

Tiff's Raw Chocolate - Vanilla Cheesecake. 
Filling Ingredients:
2 cups raw, soaked cashews
Juice of 4 lemons
1/2 cup Raw Honey
1/2 cup Coconut oil
1 Tbls. real vanilla
2 Tbl cacao poweder
little bit of water

1 1/2 cups raw pecans
4 dates, pitted. 
Place in food processor and mix until crumbly. Press into the bottom of springform pan.
Blend everything but the cacao powder in a Vitamix or other powerful blender. Pour half of filling onto crust. Place in freezer for 2 hours until hardens. Blend remaining filling with the raw cacao powder. Pour it over the vanilla later and place back in freezer.

Vanilla frosting:
meat from one young cocout
1/2 cup raw cashews
1 tsp. real vanilla
little water - enough to help blend.
Blend together in Vitamix
place in plastic bag and put in freezer for an hour to harden.
Pipe over raw cheesecake and decorate with fruit. 
Remove from freezer and place in the fridge 2-4 hour before serving to soften.

A note to my daughter:

Eleven years ago today, I gave birth in my own bed, to the most amazing human being that I have ever met. Daddy whispered in my ear, "It's a girl," and I sobbed tears of joy. You didn't even cry when you came into this world, instead you just gazed at me like, "Now what?!" I can still remember how round your little head was and how warm your naked body was against mine. We stayed in bed together for a month - just you and I - connecting, nursing and basking in love.

No person on Earth has taught me more about life than you have. You were born Dakota Leigh and changed your name at age three to Tiffany Rose, because you said *that* was your name. Thank you for choosing me as your Mom. Having you as a daughter, friend and partner through life has been an experience beyond words. You are the most powerful creator I know, and you have shown me that I can be, do or have *anything* I want in life!

Happy Birthday Tiff! May you continue to rock the earth more powerfully and joyfully every year!

I love you, Mama


  1. So, so sweet, Dayna! Happy b-day Tiffany Rose!

  2. And here it is!! Grain free too... Just perfect for mr messyfish's upcoming birthday. Ps... I looove Tiffs hair!


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