Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to be Rawsome: Upgrade Your Life With Living Foods!

Rock Your Life! Teleseries

This week's teleseries session is:

How to be Rawsome: 
Upgrade Your Life With Living Foods!

Join Dayna LIVE this Sunday where she discuss her leap to a raw food lifestyle ten months ago. Dayna went from the standard American diet to 100% Raw, almost overnight! Her life changed dramatically in only a couple of weeks from making the shift and she is inspired to support others in making the change themselves.
Learn about the tools to make raw foods easier and how you can slowly stock your pantry with living food ingredients to help you become a better YOU!
Learn how to make the transition to living, raw foods easy and fun and gain the confidence necessary to make the shift to better your life in every aspect!

 Read more about Dayna’s Raw Journey here.
This session has limited space, so sign up quickly as this is sure to be one of Dayna’s most popular discussions. To learn more about past teleseries session for purchase, click here.
Get ready to upgrade your life!!

This Sunday, April 15th, at 7pm EST

You will be emailed a call in number and unique code to enter the call. I look forward to having you part of the discussion and to answer your questions!


  1. hey Dayna. I ordered your same slicer the other day and got a dehydrator from walmart. Determined to try again, especially with chips and pasta. Hard pressed to give up my larabars, tho. Have a great day.

  2. Good for you Danielle! Rawk on!

    ~Peace & Love, Dayna

  3. Hello Dayna!

    After listening to the recording of this last call about raw foods I still have some questions.
    Do you have any recommendations/ recipes that work well for your kids?
    I totally respect my son's choices of food and I would like to try and see whether he would appreciate some variety in his diet. He is not at all into salads, but is totally fine with a raw carrot, p.e. He was actually surprised by how much better they taste when not cooked. So he will eat fresh fruit each day and he loves my energy balls (don't laugh, that sounds different in german! ;-)), which are kind of raw truffles. To the point that he cries if I don't have them handy. He is also in love with raw cashews and always excited when the new package arrives in the mail. Warm soy milk with raw cocoa powder is a favorite, but no almond milk.
    The rest of the time he eats whole grain pasta, couscous, natural rice, bread for the most part.
    By the way: There is no kale available around here! Ah! I would love to try kale chips.

  4. Hi Senay,
    My kids enjoy raw dessert recipes. Dehydrated snacks are also a hit. I make zucchini and kale chips that are gone as soon as I take them out of the dehydrator. I made this great recipe with nuts that is like a trail mix. You can find it here:

    I make fruit salads almost daily and mix the fruit with a delicious cashew cream. They go crazy for it!

    Since becoming raw, the girls have become vegetarian. Devin and Orion are still all about meat and pasta. I happily make my kids whatever they want though. I respect their choices and at the same time, joyfully celebrate mine. My passion is infectious to them and they spend a lot of time in the kitchen with me helping out. They make smoothies everyday too!


Raw Envy and Dayna Martin love your feedback!