Saturday, March 10, 2012


Raw Cacao Mint Bars!

When I posted this photo on Facebook, I had more comments and "likes" than another other raw food photo that I had ever posted before! I couldn't wait to share the recipe that I have created with all of my friends who want to experience these luscious, refreshing mint bars! These are packed with nutrition and living enzymes that will give you so much energy! I ate these for breakfast along with my usual green smoothie and I was buzzing my way through the day! I love these and I hope you do too!
Brownie layer
1 cup pecans
1 cup dates
1/4 cup cacao powder

Food process the brownie ingredients until blended and dry chunky. press into a small pan or pie plate.

Vanilla Layer
2 cups raw cashews soaked for three hours
juice from one lemon
3/4 cup raw honey 
3/4 cup raw coconut oil 
1 vanilla bean, split open and seeds scraped, pod discarded
1/2 tsp pink himylayan salt
1/4 cup water
Blend all ingredients until smooth 

Pour mixture on top of the brownie crust and spread evenly. Place in freezer to set for about 90 minutes. Make the mint layer after this sets.

Mint Layer
1 small avocado, peeled and pitted
1/3 cup fresh mint leaves, chopped
1/3 cup raw agave nectar
1/2 tsp pure organic mint extract (or more to taste)
1/4 cup coconut oil

In your Vitamix, blend the avocado, mint leaves, agave, coconut oil and mint extract until smooth. The mixture should be thick and creamy. (If your blender doesn't move the mixture very well, add a few tablespoons of water.

Spread the mint layer over the brownie/vanilla cream layer. Place back in freezer to set for another 90 minutes. Remove from freezer, but into squares and sprinkle with raw, shredded coconut. I also sprinked some hemp hearts over mine.

Enjoy this beautiful, abundantly healthy dessert!


  1. These just look amazing. As I ate a (milk) chocolate mint candy bar on my walk home from the grocery store today, I was just craving a dairy-free, more wholesome, version of what I had bought. I want a Vitamix!!!!!

  2. this looks delicious! so glad I found your blog through pinterest today. I have read it all and subscribed! I have been transitioning to a vegetarian/vegan/raw diet for almost 2 months now and feel so good about it! I look forward to reading more about what you share here.

  3. Is it possible to go raw with nut allergies? I see cashews seem to be a staple for this kind of eating.

  4. Hi Kim, Yes, you can go raw without using nuts. If you do a search for nut-free raw desserts and meals, you will find a great amount of recipes! Good luck!

    Thanks for posting!
    ~Peace & Love, Dayna


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