Friday, February 10, 2012

Raw Insight

Raw Vanilla Sweet Cake with Fresh Berries & Coconut

I never knew how profound the change would be shifting to a living foods lifestyle. I call it a "lifestyle" and not a diet because the word "diet" is so loaded and filled with negative energy for me. It truly is a lifestyle choice and one that takes commitment, time and education to grasp fully. Loosing 50 lbs. was powerful for me to experience. Feeling physically and emotionally lighter, I have improved my life so much! I have become so passionate about this life and have had so many people ask me for support and information that I thought I would share some insight and advice to newbies on the raw scene:

Buy new raw pantry items every week. Things like, liquid aminos, cacao, chia seeds and coconut oil are expensive and foreign to most of us. If you buy one new item a week, before you know it, you will have a fully stocked pantry worthy of bragging rights! There is nothing worse than going through your raw cookbooks only to realize that you don't have half of the ingredients on hand to make most of the recipes. Take notes as your go through them and then buy what you can during your next supermarket trip! Pick up items at the health food store when you can too.

Entering the Raw realm can be overwhelming and intense when you first step into it. It reminds me of visiting a foreign country where everything seemed strange and different. Once you have immersed yourself in this world, it will all becoming more comfortable and familiar. Today, I get a sick rush seeing the confusion on the cashiers face at the supermarket when I buy aloe, or young coconuts. I love seeing them struggle trying to figure out what the heck it is or what it could be used for. You too can enjoy this twisted pleasure! ;)

Take it slow and build up raw pantry with the best quality ingredients and know that it doesn't all happen at once. As you gain knowledge and shift your life, you will begin to shift the physical items in your kitchen and before you know it, you will have a pantry that even David Wolfe will be impressed with! (If you don't know who he is, Google him!)

If you need any extra encouragement on your Raw Food path, I am happy to help! I am now offering raw food information and support for those just starting out. Drop me an email to find out more.

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