Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Raw Go-To!

I had a treat this morning! My friend Christina made me some delicious raw cranberry scones! I topped them with raw almond butter, bananas, strawberries and raw honey! Such a lovely way to start the day!

My favorite raw go-to snack is apples or celery with raw almond butter!
I eat it at least once a day!! I usually eat it mid-morning. What is your favorite go-to raw snack?


  1. Yes! Love that too! Mine is dates. Gotta have dates around. The kids tend to eat them up before I get to though :)

  2. I LOVE dates too! I used to eat them a lot more when I first became raw. I love them stuffed cacoa nibs and rolled in raw coconut!

    Thanks for commenting Linda, Dayna

  3. Mine has to be cashew hummous ! I dip celery, letuce and carrots in it. I simply must learn how to make scones and breads. That is the one thing I really do miss.

  4. I need to know how to make cashew hummus please!

  5. chocolate or a Avocado. MMMM lately salad has been number one on my list. YUM
    My children love chocolate Avo pudding. has to be cold though!

  6. I LOVE what you did with my scone!! I will post that cranberry scone recipe HERE just needs a few tweaks...soon!
    My favorite "raw to-go" has to be any raw bread with miso butter and berries. It's a comfort like toast and jam with tea.
    I do indulge in a few cups of herbal tea everyday. There is some controversary among raw foodist about tea and it's rawness. I feel like the herbs are beneficial and use hot, not boiling, water. In the summer I keep it raw by brewing in the sun. Maybe this will be the topic of a blog post for me Dayna! Thank you!


Raw Envy and Dayna Martin love your feedback!